




本学会は,1987年日本顎頭蓋機能研究会(Japan Association of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics)として岡山大学歯学部歯科補綴学第一講座 山下 敦教授を初代会長に創立され,顎頭蓋機能障害の臨床生理学的研究を研鑽する場として,同年9月に第1回学術大会が大阪チサンホテルで開催されました.その後,1993年日本学術会議の登録団体となり学会に昇格しました.1999年大阪歯科大学有歯補綴咬合学講座 川添堯彬教授が第2代会長に就任した後,学会認定医制度が2004年9月11日に制定されました.2007年大阪歯科大学口腔外科学第二講座 覚道健治教授が第3代会長に就任し,さらに2011年5月から日本口腔リハビリテーション学会( Japan Association of Oral Rehabilitation )に名称変更し,覚道健治教授が理事長に就任し,2013年4月1日から日本歯科医学会認定分科会に加入が認められました.2022年11月21日日本歯科大学口腔リハビリテーション多摩クリニック 菊谷 武教授が第4代理事長に就任しました.学術大会は通算で,2022年現在36回開催しています.本学会は歯科における唯一のリハビリテーション領域の学会であるため,今後健康保険点数改定における歯科領域のリハビリテーション関連の学術的根拠を提供する専門団体としての役割がますます増すものと考えております.

The aim of Japan Association of Oral Rehabilitation

Our principle is to promote both fundamental and clinical research on oral rehabilitation and the cranio-mandibular function, improve dental care, and contribute to public health.

Association establishment and milestones of JAOR

This association was established by Professor Atsushi Yamashita as the Japan Association of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics in 1987. He was the first president of the association, and was also belonging to the first department of prosthetic dentistry in the Dental School, Okayama University. In September of the same year, the association’s first annual meeting and congress was held at Chisan Hotel Osaka, in order to improve clinical and physiological research on cranio-mandibular dysfunction. In 1993, our association was registered with the Science Council of Japan. In 1999, Professor Takayoshi Kawazoe, who was belonging to the fixed prosthodontics and occlusion at Osaka Dental University, was appointed as the association’s second president. On September 11, 2004, an association-certified specialist system was established. In 2007, Professor Kenji Kakudo, who was belonging to the second department of oral and maxillofacial surgery at Osaka Dental University, became the third president. In May 2011, the association’s name was changed to the Japan Association of Oral Rehabilitation, and Professor Kakudo assumed the post of the association’s president. Since April 1, 2013, our association has been a member of the Certified Committee of the Japanese Association for Dental Science. On November 21, 2022, Professor Takeshi Kikutani who was belonging to the Tama Oral Rehabilitation Clinic, Nippon Dental University, became the fourth President. As of 2022, the association’s annual meeting and congress has been held a total of 36 times. Because we are the only organization dealing with the field of dental rehabilitation, it will become increasingly important for us to provide scientific evidence regarding dental rehabilitation in relation to the revision of health insurance points.